How to Clean Wood Stain Out of Grout

As it’s name might indicate, wood stain can be difficult to remove from most types of surfaces. When stain finds its way onto carpet and fabrics, most often, there’s not much that can be done to remedy the situation. Likewise, when wood stain is inadvertently spilled on concrete, mortar and grout, the prospect of removing it can be daunting for those who’ve ever attempted such a project in the past. If you need to clean wood stain out of grout, there are a couple of techniques you can employ that will give you the best possible chance at a successful outcome.
Things You Will Need
- Pressure washer
- 80 to 120 grit sandpaper
- Spray the grout with the pressure washer. Use focused, concentrated pressure on the wood stain. Begin on a low setting and gradually increase pressure to avoid damaging the grout. Work from left to right in a steady manner being careful not to focus on one area more than a second or two. Move on to step two if any wood stain remains in the grout.
- Ensure that the surface is dry before proceeding. Fold a piece of sandpaper in half so the gritty side is exposed.
- Sand away the wood stain from the surface of the grout using your index finger to work the 80 to 120 grit sandpaper into smaller, tight areas. Continue sanding until you’ve removed the layer of grout affected by the stain, exposing a fresh, clean layer.
Things to Consider
Pressure washers are very powerful. If used incorrectly, they can disintegrate grout, creating fissures and holes. Always use the lowest setting necessary to clean the stain from the grout. In addition, stand about three feet away from the grout and gradually move closer to prevent any possible damage.